Current Student 2021

Doctoral Student:

Name: Yutaro Shimada

Country: Japan  

Title of research: Economic and environmental assessment of ground source heat pump in Bangkok, Thailand 

Name: Amin Nazarahari

Country: Iran 

Title of research: Energy poverty in developed countries - case of Japan while assessing the role of consumption attitudes and behaviors 

Master's Student:

Name: Rivaldi Madyatama

Country: Indonesia 

Title of research: Life Cycle Assessment of Proper Waste Management in Jakarta, Indonesia 

Name: Aulia Shabrina

Country: Indonesia  

Title of research: Techno-Economic Assessment on Bioethanol Plant from Oil Palm Frond in Indonesia 

Name: Linux Farungsang

Country: Thailand 

Title of research: Assessment of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Potential based on Machine Learning and GIS Spatial Analysis in Bangkok, Thailand 

Name: Mako Mizuno

Country: Japan 

Title of research: Study of cooling systems by snow storage in Niigata, Japan: lifecycle basis analysis 

Name: Saksucha Submakudom

Country: Thailand

Title of research: TBA

Bachelor Student:

Name: Rino Hirose 

Country: Japan 

Title of research: TBA 

Research Visitor:

Name: Khalid Alrashoud

Country: Saudi Arabia 

Status: Visiting Fellow 

Title of research: Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) to Saudi Arabi 

Class of 2021
Lab Network